My Therapy Cards

Parts in Me | How to Use

One-on-one game

Easy and dynamic flow adapted for individual therapy.

  • Setup: Shuffle the Character Cards and Interaction Cards separately, and place each deck face down on the table.
    • Draw an Interaction Card: Draw the top card from the Interaction deck and place it at the center of the table.
    • Draw Character Cards: Draw the top five Character Cards and lays them face up on the table.
  • Selection and Discussion: The client picks one or more of the five Character Cards that they feel represent aspects of their personality related to the displayed Interaction Card.
  • Exploration: Discuss with the client why they chose those characters and how they resonate with the scenario on the Interaction Card.
    You may ask guiding questions to help the client explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Discard and Draw: Discard the chosen Character Cards and replace them with new ones from the Character deck. Then, draw a new Interaction Card and repeat the process.

Based on your insight as a therapist, you may customize the deck before the session to include cards that are relevant to your client’s mental landscape.

Group Game

Approachable game-like dynamic for a group setting.

  • Round setup: Shuffle the Character Cards and Interaction Cards separately, and place each deck face down on the table.
    • Draw an Interaction Card: Draw the top card from the Interaction deck and place it at the center of the table.
    • Draw Character Cards: Draw the top five Character Cards and lays them face up on the table.
  • Turn order: Based on your group, you may decide to either have the players take turns clockwise, or freely based on the desire to share.
  • Selection and Discussion: On your turn, pick one or more of the five Character Cards that you feel represent parts of you that are related to the displayed Interaction Card.
  • Discard and Draw: At the end of your turn, discard the chosen Character Cards and replace them with new ones from the Character deck.  Once everyone has had a chance to share, draw a new Interaction Card and being a new round. 

Optional: Based on your insight, you may customize the deck before the session to include cards that are relevant to the group.

In-Depth Character Analysis

This version uses only Character Cards and works best in individual therapy sessions.

  • Setup: Shuffle the Character Cards and place the deck face down on the table. You do not need the Interaction deck.
  • Draw Character Cards: Draw the top five Character Cards and lay them face up on the table.
  • Selection and Discussion: The client picks a Character Card that they feel represents significant aspects of their personality.
  • Exploration: Discuss with the client why they chose the selected card, exploring the role it has in the client’s life. You may ask targeted questions to help the client understand how these aspects influence their interactions and experiences.
  • Discard and Draw: Replace the chosen Character Card with a new one from the deck see where that leads you.

Optional: Based on your insight, you may customize the deck before the session to include cards that are relevant to the group.

Interactive Scenario Reflection

This variation uses the Interaction cards and can help spark a conversation about inner interaction or interpersonal relationships.

  • Setup: Shuffle the Interaction Cards and place the deck face down on the table. You do not need the Interaction deck.
  • Draw Interaction Cards: Draw the top five Interaction Cards and lay them face up on the table.
  • Selection and Discussion: The client chooses a card and shares their thoughts on the scenario presented by the Interaction Card. 
    You may ask questions to help the client delve deeper into their reactions and past experiences that relate to the scenario.
  • Discard and Draw: Replace the chosen Interaction Card with a new one from the deck see where that leads you.

Based on your insight, you may customize the deck before the session to include cards that are relevant to the group.

Client-Led Exploration

Not relying on random drawing and letting the clients choose which cards they relate to instead, can provide valuable insight.

  • Setup: Display the Interaction Cards and Character Cards on the table, allowing for easy viewing.
  • Choosing Cards: The client chooses an Interaction Card, along with one or more Character Cards that they feel represent aspects of their personality relevant to the scenario. 
  • Discussion: Discuss with the client how the selected cards interact with one another.
    Guide the client in exploring their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Exploration: The therapist may ask targeted questions to help the client understand the connection between their personality traits and their reactions to different scenarios.
  • Repeat: Continue with the client choosing different combinations of Interaction and Character Cards and discussing them  for as many rounds as desired.

Optional: Based on your insight, you may customize the deck before the session to include cards that are relevant to the group.

Thematic Exploration

Sometimes there are specific topics that repeat in therapy and you want to approach those same issues from a new perspective. Choosing the right cards to address specific topics you've been working on can be helpful in certain cases.

  • Setup: Place the Character and Interaction decks face down on the table.
  • Draw Character Cards: Lay out the top five Character Cards. (You can instead spread all character cards for the client to choose from).
  • Thematic Interaction Card: Choose an Interaction Card that represents a theme or issue the client is currently working on (e.g., conflict resolution, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Selection and Discussion: The client picks one or more Character Cards that they feel represent aspects of their personality related to the thematically chosen Interaction Card.
  • Exploration: Discuss with your client how these Character Cards relate to the interaction, including insights from previous sessions. 
  • Repeat: Continue this process with different thematic Interaction Cards that align with the client’s therapeutic goals, discussing each one as it relates to the chosen Character Cards.

Group Psychodrama

In this variation, participants will use the "Parts in Me" therapy cards to enact scenarios that reflect different aspects of their personalities and interactions. This method encourages emotional expression, insight, and connection among group members.

  • Setup: Lay out all Character Cards for everyone to see. Then, shuffle the Interaction deck.
  • Interaction Selection: Draw the top card from the Interaction deck and place it at the center. (You can instead choose one, or draw out several and let the group chose from them).
  • Sharing: Any participant may volunteer to lead the interaction, sharing a personal experience related to the Interaction Card.
  • Processing and Reenacting: Processing the experience together in the group, the leader (or the therapist) will invite participants to act out certain voices, emotions or parts in their story. As a participant you may take a related Character Card and wear it on.
  • Group Reflection: Reflect on the group dynamic and feelings.
  • Repeat: Repeat in turns. Chose another Interaction Cards and have another participant share an interaction and go through the same process described in the steps above.

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