
Welcome to OK2Feel

My name is Hilit Koren, and I’m so glad you’re here. As an artist, graphic designer, and mental health blogger, I’ve dedicated my life to helping others understand that it’s okay to feel – and that healing is possible.

For years, I’ve navigated my own journey with mental health. I’ve faced generalized anxiety, social anxiety, depression, eating disorders, chronic pain, and disability. But through therapy and a commitment to self-care, I’ve found a path towards healing and growth.

That’s why I created OK2Feel. This space is about more than just surviving – it’s about thriving. It’s about acknowledging the pain, but refusing to let it define us. It’s about finding tools and community to help us rise above our struggles.

My Story

My first panic attack hit when I was just 14. Overnight, I went from being a carefree student to someone consumed by fear and anxiety. School became impossible, and even leaving my house felt like climbing a mountain. I struggled alone, turning to harmful coping mechanisms like self-harm and disordered eating.

But in the darkness, a spark of hope remained. With therapy, patience, and a refusal to give up, I began rebuilding. I learned to acknowledge my emotions, rather than fighting them. I discovered the power of creative expression – through art, design, and writing. And I found a new purpose: helping others know they’re not alone.

The OK2Feel Mission

OK2Feel is a safe space for open conversations about mental health. Here, you’ll find honest articles, empowering resources, and a community that gets it. Because the more we talk about our struggles, the less power they have over us.

I’m passionate about creating practical tools to support your healing journey. That’s why I designed the “Parts in Me” and “Emotions in Time” therapy cards, used by mental health professionals worldwide. These tools help you understand your emotions, communicate your needs, and find a path towards wholeness.

Join the OK2Feel Community

Healing doesn’t happen in isolation. That’s why I invite you to join the OK2Feel community. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for daily support and inspiration. Explore the OK2Feel blog for in-depth articles on mental health, self-care, and empowerment. And whenever you need someone to turn to, remember – you’re not alone, and it’s okay to feel.

With compassion and hope,