Hey, I’m really sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. It’s challenging to deal with social anxiety and not having the support from people around you. First of all, know that you’re not weak and you deserve love and understanding ❤️. For now, let’s focus on small steps that can help you feel better about yourself.

  1. Reach out to a counselor or a mental health professional who can guide and support you throughout this path.
    Do you go to school? Do they have a counselor available for students?
  2. Try practicing simple breathing techniques daily – it will help regulate your anxiety levels.
    There are many guides, I can send you a link but if you find them all confusing (which I did at first) I can give one simple tip.
    I found that the main principal for me was – when I was anxious my instinct is to try to inhale as much air as possible because it feels like there is none. But exhaling is the important part, make your exhales calm and keep them longer than your inhales.
  3. Start with some exposure therapy like small social interactions, such as talking to someone you’re comfortable with or initiating a conversation with a peer.
    Complete avoidance increases anxiety so I’m not saying to overwhelm yourself, but try to keep doing the little things you feel are possible. It’s also okay if you can’t at the moment, don’t be too hard on yourself.
  4. When you feel overwhelmed by emotions, it helps to have healthy coping strategies like journaling, painting; crafting; jogging; or anything else really.
  5. Develop a self-care routine – prioritize your mental health by doing activities that bring you peace and relaxation. You don’t have to wait until you feel anxiety to do it, if you take care of yourself even when you’re not anxious, in time it’ll get easier to do it under stress too.

Remember that progress takes time, but taking little steps each day will bring improvement. Stay positive, and know that there are people who care about your well-being❣️

I used to be where you’re at and it won’t necessarily be easy or painless but it will get better, much better, and it’ll be worth it.

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